Community service and data collection platform for non-profits

Designed to work for all sectors

Health, Education, Sanitation, Water, Waste, Agriculture, Social Security.

Comprehensive platform

Case Management

Case Management

Create rich data formats. Manage beneficiaries, families, households, groups, anything.
Form Designer

Form Designer

Design your forms and your own algorithmic decision support.

Reports and Dashboard

Reports and Dashboard

Get insights into your program and share them.

Work diary

Work diary

Your fieldworkers will never miss any activity or their client interaction.

See all features

All services you require

Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting

Secured and affordable hosting. Full control of your data (include full extract, delete).


Platform customisation for your project. Integration with other software. Data migration.
Platform training

Platform training

Get trained to do full customisation yourself.

Technical support

Technical support

Annual maintenance support for your customisations and integrations.

Transform your project from paper/excel based to digital

1. Schedule a demo / discussion with us

We demonstrate the product to you. Explain your project's needs and organisation's in-house capacity.

2. Decide the services you require

Use your own technical & program resources for customisation (if available). Use our services for everything else.

3. Platform customisation

We work together as one team in performing all the required customisations. We train your team during customisation work.

4. Begin your fieldwork transformation!!

We bring our experience from other projects and provide technical support to make you successful.

Avni testimonials

Earlier our health workers used to bring their paper records to the MIS data entry person. Now with Avni - our health workers manage the data in the field, make monthly data presentation themselves, and have gained even more respect in the community. We have seen transformational empowerment. Our health workers love Avni.

Noah Levinson, Co-founder, Calcutta Kids


Our adolescent program data used to sit in registers and excel. Because of Avni analytics, we uncovered vulnerable adolescents having different problems. Somewhere high-risk behaviour, while others with high levels of anaemia, much poorer menstrual hygiene practices, sickle cell disease, skin diseases, and so on. Avni has helped us address the most pressing problems of our clients. Our supervisors are now able to schedule their fieldwork more effectively.

Dr Shobha Shah and Maitri Vayeda, Sewa Rural

Avni is trusted by

Sewa Rural
Sewa Rural
Institute of Health Management, Pachod
Yenepoya University
Jan Swasthya Sahyog, Bilaspur

In-house data collection applications are unsustainable

While development of in-house data collections applications seem feasible and even exciting in the beginning - they become difficult to sustain - for most NGOs. We have come across these situations so many times and that is partly the reason we developed Avni.

Organisations requirements both increase and evolve significantly over time. It requires constant improvements to the software and hence regular funds. It is difficult to retain the software developers after initial development of application. Hence after initial success NGOs often struggle.

Avni has effectively utilised extremely scarce philanthropic resources in creating a shared software platform. As a result, it makes a comprehensive tool available for all non-profit organisations. As this common platform has evolves (features get added/improved), it becomes available for free to those using organisations already using it.

Avni makes your digital transformation sustainable

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